Momentum in Missions (MiM) has just marked it's FIRST ANNIVERSARY and we are surely celebrating ONE FULL YEAR of GOD'S FAITHFULNESS! Since beginning in August 2023, MiM has been able to partner with pastors and missionaries in 12 countries, and we are providing consistent, monthly support to pastors in Gambia, Guinea, and Benín Republic.
We have compiled a summary of the collective impact of our ministry partners. We are so humbled to partner with these tireless and courageous laborers for Christ! The stories they share as they labor for the Gospel are truly inspiring! Their life situations are all different, but a common thread of poverty, lack of transportation, lack of Bibles and other resources, persecution (for some), living in voodoo or Muslim villages, health issues with inadequate medical resources, lack of church buildings, and more, is the reality of what they are living through. Every pastor in Africa that we are partnering with truly knows the meaning of suffering for the Gospel, yet they press on and display a faith, trust, determination, and dependence on the Lord that is admirable and inspiring.
The data presented here is not a comprehensive summary, but reflects data collected from the pastors and missionaries who are receiving the most support from MiM. Several of the pastors supported by MiM, lead teams of 8-20 pastors, so the data reported is reflective of their teams as a whole. WE RETURN ALL GLORY TO GOD, who is faithful and continues to supply donors to support this important Gospel work!
We are also publishing a list of UNFUNDED NEEDS. As you can tell by this report, tremendous funding is still needed so we can continue to reach the world for Christ. We are honored to be partnering with pastors who are so committed to the work of the Gospel, but lack of resources is definitely slowing down their work. As you read through these unfunded opportunities, would you pray about partnering with us? We invite you to be a part of the Great Commission by being on the SENDING end of this Gospel work.
Some are called to GO.
Some are called to SEND.
And BOTH are EQUALLY important.
You can click on the DONATE NOW button and give today, or if you prefer to send a check, please click on the CONTACT button above and send email inquiry for mailing address.
Romans 10:14-15
But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone sends them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News."