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Partnership Opportunities

Learn more about what Momentum in Missions does and

how we support pastors and missionaries


Mobility is the key to the spread of the Gospel. Momentum in Missions is committed to equipping pastors in developing countries with motorbikes to enable them to carry out their work of evangelism and outreach, and church planting. Many of the pastors and missionaries in rural villages are trekking on foot since they do not have adequate funds to own a bike or car. This significantly limits their ministry for obvious reasons. For one pastor in Zimbabwe, after receiving a motorbike, he has planted 4 churches within 12 months.


So far, 14 motorbikes and 1 car have been given to pastors in: Benin, Zimbabwe, The Gambia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone. 



Momentum in Missions is committed to helping pastors and missionaries have their own sustainable income. Most pastors in developing nations do not earn adequate incomes to support their families or their ministry efforts. We can assist them by training them in business methods and providing micro loans for their start up business opportunities. Accountability relationships are also put in place in their income generation implementation. Our latest project was a 2-day training in West Africa entitled "Gaining Sufficiency Through Agricultural Entrepreneurship" for 11 pastors, and also provided funds for each pastor to purchase 4 goats. 



The JESUS Film is a motion picture film about Jesus of Nazareth that tells the story of his life, as taken from the New Testament's Gospel of Luke. Many people who watch this film during an evangelism outreach, hear the Gospel for the first time- and many surrender their lives to Jesus after watching. The JESUS Film is available in more than 2,000 languages, and when this is shown to a people group and they hear the Gospel in their own native language, it is very powerful and effective. We can purchase mobile projector backpacks for pastors and missionaries desiring to use this form of evangelism. Each backpack includes a projector, speakers, lithium battery, optional solar panel, and more. We want to provide a JESUS Film mobile projector set to many pastors in remote areas to use in their evangelism efforts.

We have purchased two mobile projector for a pastors in the Dominican Republic and Benín. 



Momentum in Missions would like to give one $500 college scholarship every year to a graduating senior from Archbold High School who is entering a ministry degree program. Applicant will apply in the spring of their graduation year and be selected by the MiM Board. 


We would also like to provide scholarship assistance to pastors seeking additional training in college coursework, or assistance to attend training in the field. 


The radio is a very powerful evangelism tool. There are pastors in West Africa desiring to preach on the radio but the cost is prohibitive. For $500/month, we can give a pastor a one hour weekly preaching opportunity to proclaim the Gospel to anyone with radio access.  This is not only an effective method to share the Gospel to those who have never heard the Good News, but it can also be a means of reaching Christians who cannot openly attend church or read their Bibles due to persecution.


Momentum in Missions began sponsoring the radio preaching ministry in early January 2024; and as of December 2024, 9 churches were planted in just one West African nation, with another 5 villages asking for a church in their own village! We have a vision for much growth in this area of ministry support.This has proven to be an explosive area of church growth and has allowed our pastors to easily penetrate villages with the Gospel that were previously hard to reach!

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