Momentum in Missions (MiM) is pleased to announce that Norah Ruffer has been awarded our first-ever $500 scholarship. The scholarship criteria included: the student be a graduating Archbold High School senior intending to pursue a college degree in Ministry, and having a minimum GPA of 3.75. Applicants were also required to write an essay describing their journey of faith and desire in pursuing a degree in Ministry. Norah intends to "pursue a TESOL degree with the hopes of serving on the mission field wherever God calls her." Norah hopes that with a TESOL degree (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), she can "teach others English and about Jesus!" The MiM board unanimously selected Norah as this year's recipient. Congratulations Norah! We wish you the best at Moody Bible Institute.
While the majority of donations from Momentum in Missions is sent overseas to pastors and missionaries in developing nations, Fisher feels strongly about investing in youth in her home community who have a heart for missions and serving the Lord. MiM has also recently provided funding for high school students serving on stateside mission trips in the summer of 2024.
If you would like to donate towards supporting and equipping youth with a heart in serving in missions, please click on the DONATE NOW button and designate your gift for this purpose. Donor support makes all of this possible.